One stop Web 2.0 shop…

Well not really a shop but I tell you that you will find all sorts of amazing Web 2.0 tools and ideas for education.

Mark Brumley is an educator and technology education specialist. His site contains not only ideas and up to date info on the latest tools out there but also has tips and ideas for using web 2.0 in effectively in classrooms.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Myths and Legends and the Olympics!

In Term 3 my Stage is investigating Myths and Legends of the ancient world. In my trolling of the internet I cam across this great site

From the UK it has a number of different myths from around the world which are told with animations but can also be read in text for. Some of the stories have background information and activities. Well worth a look.

Another one to check out is

This site is devoted to Greek Myths and the history of them. A very valuable source of information including ancient Greek history, stories, the Olympics and Greek Gods.



Ok all those students out there. Have you every been asked by a teacher or lecturer to add a bibliography to your work? I have assigned this to students, as well as had to produce a bibliography for assignments during the completion of my degrees. If only I had this tool then! I could have saved my self a huge amount of time. Zotero is a great little tool that is an add on to Firefox. This tool will save PDFs and articles you find online and it will create a bibliography reference for you. The citing tool allows you to choose the type of referencing and then creates the entry automatically. It is advised to double check with your university or class guidelines to make sure it is referenced correctly. Zotero also allows you to collaborate with others.

What’s New in Tools?

Here are a couple of new tools available.

Pinterest is an online pin board where you can pin photos of particular topics or search the pin board for the topic and pin to your board. This board has many applications… gathering ideas for writing, visual prompts for tasks, sorting activities. If you search education or educational you will find that there are already teachers taking advantage of this interesting tool.

Photoscape is a free downloadable program that allows you to edit photographs.

Check it out and see what you think!


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