Cool Tools for Featuring Student Book Reviews

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There’s nothing like a book recommendation from a friend. Encourage students to share their opinions by creating a student-driven book review site. Richard Byrne shows you how in the accompanying screencasts.

Ness Crouch‘s insight:

This looks like an interesting site. I’m going to investigate the possibilities for safe use in a primary classroom.

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Collaborative learning

Wallwisher is a fantastic tool for working collaboratively. This tool is a pinboard that many people can post to. Ideas for the classroom include brainstorming, collaborate reading tasks, feedback and many more. I also thought I’d use it for story board planning and sequencing activities with the whole class. What ideas do you have?



Myths and Legends and the Olympics!

In Term 3 my Stage is investigating Myths and Legends of the ancient world. In my trolling of the internet I cam across this great site

From the UK it has a number of different myths from around the world which are told with animations but can also be read in text for. Some of the stories have background information and activities. Well worth a look.

Another one to check out is

This site is devoted to Greek Myths and the history of them. A very valuable source of information including ancient Greek history, stories, the Olympics and Greek Gods.