Why should we tweet?

I love Twitter! It is one of the most amazing source of information for 21st Century educators. Twitter is a social media tool where users can send short messages (up to 140 characters) into the Twittersphere for others to read. Tweets are usually hashtagged (eg. #education #ICT ) to allow people to search for topics. You can follow people and see their tweets and they can follow you. I follow many different people and hashtags. Edudemic, Cybrary Man and OzTweechersPLN provide a quick guide to educational hashtags for teachers. While the Index to Educational Twitter Hashtags is another great place to start out.


There are many reasons why we should tweet within schools but there are also concerns that are raised by some who believe that social media is not suitable for children. In my opinion social media can be successful in schools as long as it is used properly, like all teaching strategies used in schools. I’m sure we have all seen teaching strategies and methods that make us cringe because they are not being used properly of safely. Social media is the same. Use it within the guidelines set out by your school and it can be a phenomenal tool.

The following are some articles which highlight some of the positive and negative reasons for the use of social media in the classroom:

Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Classroom

Social Media in the K-12 Classroom

 Twitter in My Classroom

 Social Media Belongs in the Classroom


Like all social media you can choose your privacy settings… You can protect your tweets so that only your followers can see what you have written, this may be one way of protecting classroom privacy. If you are tweeting as a classroom then all tweets should be approved by the teacher before adding to Twitter. Or use a safer option like Twiducate this site has greater security options available and is specifically for schools and classrooms.


David Truss – blog and podcasts

This blog is another excellent find via Twitter. I’ve spent a fair bit of time browsing and learning from this blog. David Truss blogs regularly delivery his thoughts and insights on various topics. My current favourite of this recent blogs is titled Learning about Learning in this blog he highlights the word of John Hattie and his focus on Visible Learning. This blog from David includes a couple of videos which are very useful.

The graphic below is what every teacher should be aiming for in the classroom… making that magic happen through ensuring how we are teaching is engaging our students in learning.


Taken from http://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Learning-About-Learning-David-Truss-BY-NC-SA-1024×475.jpg

Educational Origami wiki

Educational Origami is a wiki I found on Scoop.it. The main focus of the wiki is all things Bloom’s and learning in the 21st Century. The philosophy behind the site is to share the best educational practice for the 21st century. It is full of very useful and well researched content. For me this site shares an amazing amount of knowledge and strategies for the 21st Century Teacher.

It’s important to remember that educational pedagogies in the 21st Century are continually changing and updating. The diagram below taken from Educational Origami highlights and summarises the pedogogical appraoch of 21st century teachers.

21st Century Pedagogies


The changing context and nature of education this century has forced teachers to become more creative and critical of the strategies they use in the classroom. ICT is an essential part of education today and as such has become a focus of professional development. Educational Origami is taking this idea and running with it. The thinking behind Traditional vs Digital Practice is an excellent summary of what has changed in the last 20 years. I certainly suggest spending some time in this section of the wiki to give you a huge repository of strategies and ICT tools for use in the classroom.

I’m still exploring this site as it is extensive! It will certainly give me something to think about during this summer break and also give me a huge amount of new information.

The huge world of 21st Century Pedagogy… Where are you at?
from: http://edorigami.edublogs.org/files/2008/08/21st-c-pedagogies.jpg










Scoop.it is my new favourite web tool… yes I know I have a lot of those but I guess that’s why I love teaching and learning, there are always new ideas you come across that make what you do so much easier. Scoop.it is a tool which helps teachers troll the internet for information about particular topics. You can sign up for a free account and you are able to create up to 5 topics. These topics help you gather or curate web based articles, webpages or posts about these particular topics. Scoop.it also allows you to follow other peoples posts.

I have two topics which I am currently curating in relation to teaching.

1. Teaching Tools Today – where I gather and curate tools useful for teaching, these include web 2.0 tools, traditional ideas, graphic organisers and more.

2. What’s New In Education? – Here I gather and curate posts about current trends and pedagogical ideas in education.

How does Scoop.it help me? Well…. it keeps me up to date on what is happening in the world of education. I follow other educators and rescoop their posts that are relevant to me. I am able to find new teaching strategies to help me in the classroom and most importantly I’m connecting with others interested in the same thing… educating the future generations.

I’ve added the links to my blog roll so you can get to the directly.

Do you use scoop.it? Let me know your topics and I’ll have  a look!

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