Educational Origami is a wiki I found on The main focus of the wiki is all things Bloom’s and learning in the 21st Century. The philosophy behind the site is to share the best educational practice for the 21st century. It is full of very useful and well researched content. For me this site shares an amazing amount of knowledge and strategies for the 21st Century Teacher.
It’s important to remember that educational pedagogies in the 21st Century are continually changing and updating. The diagram below taken from Educational Origami highlights and summarises the pedogogical appraoch of 21st century teachers.

21st Century Pedagogies
The changing context and nature of education this century has forced teachers to become more creative and critical of the strategies they use in the classroom. ICT is an essential part of education today and as such has become a focus of professional development. Educational Origami is taking this idea and running with it. The thinking behind Traditional vs Digital Practice is an excellent summary of what has changed in the last 20 years. I certainly suggest spending some time in this section of the wiki to give you a huge repository of strategies and ICT tools for use in the classroom.
I’m still exploring this site as it is extensive! It will certainly give me something to think about during this summer break and also give me a huge amount of new information.

The huge world of 21st Century Pedagogy… Where are you at?