Olympia Voice Thread
I’ve just created this Voice Thread for class this week. Let me know what you think! You’ll need flash to see it.
Miss Crouch's blog… I want to know…
An educator's perspective on new technologies and education
I’ve just created this Voice Thread for class this week. Let me know what you think! You’ll need flash to see it.
I’ve been checking out this learning tool and have found it to be interesting and useful. Glogster is an alternative to blogging. It lets you create a poster style presentation to share with students. As a teacher you are also able to create students accounts which are private so there are no issues with students identities being compromised.
Below is an example of a Glogster created by a teacher to show Writing with past tense. You’ll not there there are several types of media included and that you’ll need flash to be able to see it.
Let me know what you think…
I’ve been subscribed to the Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners blog for a while now. It’s really valuable for developing new ideas and also reinforcing the tools that I already use.
Susan Oxnevad is an instructional tech facilitator in Oak Park, IL, USA. Her goal is to empower teachers by helping them facilitate learning experiences that utilise technology as a tool for learning.
I find it really useful.
Well not really a shop but I tell you that you will find all sorts of amazing Web 2.0 tools and ideas for education.
Mark Brumley is an educator and technology education specialist. His site contains not only ideas and up to date info on the latest tools out there but also has tips and ideas for using web 2.0 in effectively in classrooms.
Check it out and let me know what you think!
In Term 3 my Stage is investigating Myths and Legends of the ancient world. In my trolling of the internet I cam across this great site
From the UK it has a number of different myths from around the world which are told with animations but can also be read in text for. Some of the stories have background information and activities. Well worth a look.
Another one to check out is
This site is devoted to Greek Myths and the history of them. A very valuable source of information including ancient Greek history, stories, the Olympics and Greek Gods.